Below are the 2010 living history events where the US Naval Landing Party will be appearing. The US Naval Landing Party (USNLP), a member unit of the Navy & Marine Living History Association (NMLHA) has an ambitious schedule of events as posted on their website. Further information and resources on the US Naval Landing Party can be found at
http://www.usnlp.org/Please not events may be subject to change. Check back for event updates.
2010 USNLP Events
Shiloh National Military Park 147th AnniversaryDate: Saturday, April 10th - Sunday, April 11th
Location: Shiloh National Military Park
Institution/Affiliation: National Parks Services
Point of Contact: (731) 689-5696
Description: (April 10th)9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m; (April 11th) 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Navies of the American Civil War (Visitor Center Area)
Chuck Veit and members of the U.S. Naval Landing Party and Navy and Marine Living History Association will discuss the roles played by the navies in the Civil War. He will also describe daily life at sea, ships, weapons, submarines, and the part the Union navy played in the Battle of Shiloh.
Link: http://www.nps.gov/shil/index.htm
Living History Day at Siena CollegeDate: Saturday, April 17th
Location: Loudonville, NY
Institution/Affiliation: Siena College Department of History/College History Club
Point of Contact: (518) 783-2353
Description: The Siena College History Club, in coordination with the History Department will host a day of Living History. The USNLP will be in attendance for the event.
Link: http://www.siena.edu/history/
16th Annual "Forrest's First" Battle of Sacramento ReenactmentDate: Friday, May 21st - Sunday, May 23rd
Location: McClean County, KY
Institution/Affiliation: WMTH Corporation
Point of Contact: (270) 781-6858
Description: Experience the Reenactment of the Battle of Sacramento. This Civil War Battle was fought on December 28, 1861. The battlefield is the undisputed location of Nathan Bedford Forrest's first fight! USNLP will be in attendance.
Link: http://www.battleofsac.com/
Ashokan Center "Civil War Days"Date: (TENTATIVE) Saturday, May 22nd - Sunday, May 23rd
Location: Olivebridge, NY
Institution/Affiliation: Ashokan Center, Inc.
Point of Contact: (845) 657-8333
Description: The 2010 Ashokan Civil War Days event will commemorate the Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865. The event will include a Civil War encampment, reenactors (including USNLP), Exhibits, musical performances, and much more.
Link: http://www.ashokancenter.org/civilwar/civilwar.html
Battle of Fort Knox ReenactmentDate: Friday, July 23rd - Sunday, July 25th
Location: Prospect, Maine
Institution/Affiliation: 20th Maine Co. B (Maine Militia) and 15th Alabama Co. G
Point of Contact: spectator@ftknox.mainemilitia.com; participant@ftknox.mainemilitia.com
Description: The Battle at Fort Knox is building to include a naval battle in the river as well as Union and Confederate infantry and artillery on shore and plenty of civilian activity as well. In conjunction with the Bucksport Festival across the river, The Battle of Fort Knox is attempting to do something unique.
Link: http://ftknox.mainemilitia.com/
Civil War Music Festival & Encampment Date: Friday, August 6th - Sunday, August 8th
Location: Windham, NY
Institution/Affiliation: 77th New York Regimental Balladeers
Point of Contact: jcquinn@webtv.net
Description: Guided by the spirit of Foster, Kittredge, Emmett, other leading music composers, publishers and the singing soldiers of the day, the Civil War Music Heritage Gathering aims to educate, explore, preserve, promote and share with the public the popular songs/tunes of the mid-nineteenth century.
Link: http://ny77thballadeers.tripod.com/
Heritage Weekend at the Smith-Harris HouseDate: Saturday, October 2nd - Sunday, October 3rd
Location: Smith-Harris House, East Lyme, CT
Institution/Affiliation: Smith-Harris House (Smith-Harris House Commission), National Register of Historic Places
Point of Contact: (860) 739-0761
Description: The US Naval Landing Party will participate in the 2010Heritage Weekend at the Smith-Harris House
Link: http://smithharris.org/
Living History Day at Squantz Pond State ParkDate: Sunday, October 24th
Location: Squantz Pond State Park, Fairfield, CT
Institution/Affiliation: Squantz Pond State Park, Department of Environment Protection
Point of Contact: (203) 797-4165
Description: Come join living historians who will recreate American history. Includes aspects of American history, military displays, musket demonstrations, drill and school demos, etc. All programs are family friendly.
Link: http://www.ct.gov/dep/lib/dep/stateparks/general_info/living__history_day__2009.pdf
Victorian Stroll Date: Sunday, December 5th
Location: Troy, NY
Institution/Affiliation: City of Troy, NY, Rensselaer County Chamber of Commerce
Point of Contact: (518) 274-7020
Description: 2010 will mark the 28th Annual Victorian Stroll in Troy, NY. US Naval Landing Party will have a living history display at the event.
Link: http://www.victorianstroll.com/; A copy of the 2009 Program can be found at http://www.renscochamber.com/img/document_files/VictorianStrollProgram2009.pdf