Readers of the Civil War 150 blog were asked: "What was the most important naval battle during the Civil War. Part 2 of the poll included battles focusing primarily on the riverine offensives: Plum Point Bend, Port Royal, Drewry's Bluff, Island No. 10, and Memphis. A total of eight votes were tallied, which ended in a tie between Island No. 10 (28 Feb - 8 April 1862) and Memphis (6 June 1862), each with three votes. These two battles will be included in the final voting poll along with the Battle of Hampton Roads. Here is the full list of the recent poll:
Plum Point Bend - 0 votes
Port Royal - 1 vote
Drewry's Bluff - 1 vote
Island No. 10 - 3 votes
Memphis - 3 votes
Please make sure to vote for the next poll, which will include these naval conflicts:
Union Blockade
Sabine Pass
Fort Pillow
Cockpit Point
Sewell's Point
The new poll will appear later today. Please vote, and encourage others to join in on the discussion!
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